June 9, 2009  Introduction: Tongue is a muscular organ associated with the function of deglutition,taste and speech.It acts as an easily accessible organ for the assessment of health of an individual and shows the state of hydration of the body.It is said that tongue is the mirror of the gastrointestinal system and any abnormal functioning of the stomach and intestines will be reflected on the tongue.

Some characteristic changes occur in the tongue in some particular diseases.That is why the examination of the tongue is very essential and will give some clues for diagnosis.All doctors examine the tongue and they consider the changes in size,shape,,colour,moisture,coating,nature of papillae and movements ect.

Appearance of tongue in some abnormal conditions:-

1) Movements of the tongue:-

a) In one sided paralysis of the body(hemiplegia)tongue moves towards the parylised side when protruded.

b) Tremulus movement of the tongue is seen in diseases like thyrotoxicosis,delirium tremens and parkinsonisum.Tremor is also seen in nervous patients.

c) In progressive bulbar palsy there will be wasting and paralysis of the tongue with fibrillation.Eventually the tongue gets shrivelled and lies functionless in the floor of the mouth.This condition is associated with dribbling of saliva and loss of speech.

d) In chorea(involuntary rhythmic movements) the patient may not be able to keep the protruded tongue in rest,it will be moving involuntarily.

2) Moistness of the tongue:-

The moistness of the tongue gives some indication about the state of hydration of the body.Water volume depletion leads to peripheral circulatory failure characterised by weakness,thirst,restlessness,anorexia,nausea,vomiting ,dry and parched tongue.

Dryness of the tongue is seen in following conditions.

a) Diarrhoea
b) Later stages of severe illness
c) Advanced uraemia
d) Hypovolumic shock
e) Heat exhaustion
f) Hyponatraemia
g) Acute intestinal obstruction
h) Starvation
i) Prlonged fasting.

3) Change in colour of tongue:-

a) Central cyanosis:-

Cyanosis is the bluish discolouration of the mucus membrane due to decrease in the amount of oxygen in the blood.This is seen in heart failure,respiratory failure and in anoxia.In cyanosis tongue,lips ect becomes pale bluish.

b) Jaundice:-

This is the yellowish discolouration of all mucus surfaces of the body (including tongue)due to increase of bilirubin in the blood.Jaundice is seen in hepatitis,bile duct obstruction,increased destruction of RBCs and ect…

c) Advanced uremia:-

This is the increase of urea and other nitrogenous waste products in the blood due to kidney failure.Here the tongue become brown in colour.

d) Keto acidosis:-

This is the acidosis with accumulation of ketone bodies seen mainly in diabetes mellitus.Here the tongue become brown with a typical ketone smell from the mouth.

e) Riboflavin deficiency:-

Deficiency of this vitamin (vitamin B2) produces megenta colour of the tongue with soreness and fissures of lips.

f) Niacin deficiency:-

Deficiency of niacin (vitamin B3)and some other B complex vitamins results in bright scarlet or beefy red tongue.

g) Anaemia:-

It is the decrease in haemoglobin percentage of the blood.In severe anaemia tongue becomes pale.

4) Coating on the tongue:-

a) Bad breath:-

The main cause for bad breath is formation of a pasty coating(bio film) on the tongue which lodges thousands of anaerobic bacteria resulting in the production of offenssive gases.Those who complain about bad breath may have thick coating on the posterior part of the tongue.

b) Typhoid fever:-

In typhoid fever tongue becomes white coared like a fur.

c) Candidiasis;-

It is a fungal infection which affects the mucus surfaces of the body.On the tongue there will be sloughing white lesions.

d) In diabetes and hypoadrenalism there will be sloughing white lesions.

e) Secondary syphilis:-

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted diseased caused by trepenoma pallidum infection.In secondary stage of this disease we can see mucous patches which are painless,smooth white glystening opalescent plaques which can not be scraped off easily.

f) Leokoplakia:-

Here white keratotic patches are seen on the tongue and oral cavity.This is a precancerous condition.

g) AIDS:-

In these patients hairy leukoplakia is seen.

h) Peritonitis:-

It is the inflammation of the peritonium(inner covering of abdominal cavity which also covers the intestines and keep them in position) in this condition there is white furring of the tongue.

i) Acute illness:-

Furring is also seen in some acute diseases.

5) Papillae:-

These are small projections on the rongue associated with taste.There are different type of papillae on the healthy tongue.In some diseases there are some abnormal changes which are following.

a) Hairy tongue:-

This condition is due to elongation of filiform papillae seen in poor oral hygeine ,general debility and indigestion.

b) Geographic tongue:-

Here irregular red and white patches appear on the tongue.These lesions looks like a geographic map.The excact cause is not known.

c) Median rhomboid glossitis:-

In this condition there is smooth nodular red area in the posterior mid line of the tongue.This is a congenital condition.

d) Nutritional deficiency:-

In nutrional deficiency there is glossitis(inflammation of tongue) leading to papillary hypertrophy followed by atrophy.

e) Benign migratory glossitis:-

It is an inflamatory condition of the tongue where multiple annular areas of desquamation of papillae appear on the tongue which shift from area to area in few days.

f) Thiamine and riboflavin deficiency:-

Deficiency of these vitamins cause hypertrophied filiform and fungiform papillae.

g) Niacin and iron deficiency:-

In this condition there is atrophy of papillae.Smooth tongue is encountered in iron deficiency.

h) Vitamin A deficiency:-

This causes furrowed tongue.

i) In nutritional megaloblastic anaemia tongue becomes smooth.

j) Folic acid deficiency:-

Here macrocytic megaloblastic anaemia with glossitis is seen.

k) Cyano coblamine deficiency:-

Here glossitis with macrocytic megaloblastic anaemia and peripheral neuropathy is encountered.

l) Scarlet fever;-

In this streptococcal infection there is bright red papillae standing out of a thick white fur ,later the white coat disappear leaving enlarged papillae on the bright red surface and is called strawberry tongue.

6) Ulcers on the tongue:–

a) Apthous ulcer:-

These are round painful ulcers appear in stressed individuals frequently. May be associated with food allergy.Usual sites are tongue,lips,oral mucosa and ect.

b) Herpes simplex:-

It is an acute vesicular eruptions produced by herpes simplex virus.When these vesicles rupture it forms ulcers.

c) Ulcer in cancer:-

Cancerous ulcers are having everted edges with hard base.Bleeding is also seen.Cancer of the tongue is common in tobacco chewers.

d) Syphilitic ulcers:-

Syphilitic fissures are longitudinal in direction.In primary syphilis extra genital chancre is seen on the tongue.In secondary syphilis multiple shallow ulcers are seen on the under surface and sides of the tongue.In tertiary syphilis gumma may be seen on the midline of the dorsum of the tongue.

e) Dental ulcers:-

These ulcers are produced by sharp edges of carious teeth.
For more information please call 203-255-5999 The office of Dr. Mariana Conant, Family & Cosmetic Dentistry in Fairfield, CT. Conviently located on the at 1305 Post Road, Suite 200, Fairfield, CT, 06824

I have Periodontal Disease… What is it?

January 23, 2009

Periodontal disease is the category given to those infections that occur in and around the teeth, specifically, the gums. Periodontal disease typically begins as gingivitis and will progress to periodontis if left untreated.

Periodontal disease can develop around any tooth. When plaque starts growing along the gum line, over time it can spread below the gums. As the bacteria that are part of plaque begin releasing toxins, the gums become irritated. In response to the irritation, the body initiates an immune response and attacks itself.

Specifically, the body begins destroying the tissues and bones that provide the underlying support for the teeth. With the support structure compromised, gums and teeth can separate, creating pockets which then start getting infected. Those pockets will keep growing deeper as long as the condition isn’t treated. Once teeth start loosening, there’s nothing else that can be done except to extract the affected teeth.

As mentioned above, periodontal disease is most often caused by poor dental hygiene. However, there is another bad habit that can lead to gum disease – cigarette smoking. The relationship between cigarette smoking and periodontal disease has been studied extensively and the relationship is real: those who smoke greatly increase their risks of developing periodontal disease.

Genetics has been shown to play a role in its development, too. If periodontal disease is known to run in the family, early intervention can mean the difference between keeping teeth intact and losing teeth.

Wildly fluctuating hormones during puberty and pregnancy have been shown to increase the risks of developing periodontal disease, and so has stress. When you’re stressed, your body has a more difficult time fighting infection, including that which forms in the gums. Certain medications might negatively impact your oral health which is why it’s important that your dentist know all that you are taking, along with the dosage. Tooth clenching or grinding can accelerate the rate that the tissues that support your teeth weaken, which can lead to periodontal disease.

Diabetes and certain disorders of the immune system can contribute to problems with the gums as can poor nutrition.

Periodontal disease treatment begins with an effort to scrape away the plaque and tartar that have built up in the root surfaces. This process helps remove the irritating toxins, too. Once the deep pockets have been thoroughly cleaned, surgery usually can be avoided if ongoing, regular maintenance is performed.

When surgery is necessary, the type will depend on the severity of the periodontal disease. Pocket depth reduction reduces the size of the pockets that have developed, making it easer to keep plaque out. The pockets are cleaned and then surgically tightened around the tooth. Regenerative procedures attempt to regenerate the tissues and bone that have been lost. Crown lengthening involves surgically removing and reshaping gums so that more of the tooth is visible. Soft tissue grafts can cover up exposed tooth roots, reducing sensitivity. This procedure can also build up gum tissues that have been lost

Facts on Opalescence Teeth Whitening System

February 2, 2008

People like their pearly whites to be both pearly and white. It sounds lame but it is true. People love to take care of their teeth. One might even say that people are particularly vain concerning their teeth. This is because when meeting people, the teeth are definitely the first thing to get noticed. We smile in order to show people a glimpse of our soul. There are people who depend on their smiles for their living. This is the reason behind the success of such products as the Opalescence teeth whitening system.

One of the Opalescence teeth whitening system lets people take the system home and do the whitening themselves. This might seem like unnecessary work for some people, but for others, it means convenience. People today do not have the time to go to the dentist for teeth whitening. Some just choose to get a tan instead of having their teeth whitened. This is the reason why the Opalescence teeth whitening system is so sought after. Convenience is one of the things that people look for today.

How does the Opalescence teeth whitening system work? First of all, you have to know that the Opalescence teeth whitening system is a professional-grade bleaching system. This means that it can whiten your teeth faster than other over the counter teeth whitening systems. This is because of the fact that most over the counter teeth whitening systems contain only about 3 to 10 percent hydrogen peroxide. However, the Opalescence teeth whitening system has a 38 percent concentration of hydrogen peroxide.

While most teeth whitening systems today require the use of a bleaching light in order to “activate” the product, the Opalescence teeth whitening system is the first product which lists the use of the light as “optional”. People like this because it is often the case that the cost of the bleaching light is undeniably higher than the cost of the actual product. Another interesting fact about this is that lately, many dentists are finding out that the “studies” regarding the use of bleaching lights rarely do prove that the light is needed to activate the hydrogen peroxide.

Although you can take the Opalescence teeth whitening system home, it is still advisable that you get a professional to whiten your teeth. This is because the Opalescence teeth whitening system works best when in the hands of a professional. About 90 minutes is required from preparation to the actual procedure. Think of it: just one and a half hours for you to have whiter teeth!

Besides giving you whiter teeth, the opalescence teeth whitening system also gives you other benefits. While some teeth bleaching systems may give you sensitive teeth and thus, forever deny you the pleasure of eating ice cream, the opalescence teeth whitening system actually minimizes sensitivity. This means that you do not have to sacrifice the pleasure of eating certain foods in order to have a great smile.

Another complaint that people have with common bleaching agents is the fact that these often cause teeth to become vulnerable to cavities. However, the opalescence teeth whitening system actually strengthens the enamel, making it harder and decreases the likelihood of cavities.

The opalescence teeth whitening system can give great benefits to whoever uses the product. You get whiter teeth in a way that’s convenient and painless. So what are you waiting for? If waiting several weeks for white teeth wont do, then opalescence make a product called Boost! This is an in office whitening system that can give you the smile of your dreams in about an hour. Call Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of Fairfield for details.  Mention discount code BLOG1305 to receive $100 off Boost in office whitening.